“Love is the vital energy that binds all things in the cosmos. Perhaps this is why, when we are deeply moved by love, we experience a sense of humility and awe, as if a sacred, universal force is flowing through our bodies and spirit.”

Noor - Psychosomatic Psychologist, Trauma Specialist

''Guiding individuals, Couples and and groups towards empowering people in their path to self-awareness''


A specialized psychotherapist for over 10 years in Psychosomatic, Inner Child, Trauma and Emotional healing and Embodied Consciousness. 

More about me

Somatic & Body Oriented Therapy 

"Where Consciousness Meets Flesh; Embody Your Healing"


Psychosomatic and Body-Oriented Therapy Techniques are holistic therapeutic approaches that help individuals process and heal from traumatic experiences by focusing on the connection between the mind and body. These methods are particularly effective for addressing a wide range of issues, including post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, and phobias. Here’s an in-depth look at how these techniques work:

Overview of Psychosomatic and Body-Oriented Therapy

These therapies are based on the understanding that traumatic memories can become "trapped" in the body, leading to ongoing distress and physical symptoms. These memories are not fully processed and remain isolated, causing intense emotional and physical reactions when triggered, even long after the traumatic event. 

The goal of psychosomatic and body-oriented therapy is to help the body and mind fully process these memories, allowing them to be integrated into a cohesive narrative that no longer causes emotional or physical distress.


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Relationship Counselling

''Evolving Together: Transforming Relationships Through Emotional Awareness''


In the intricate dance of relationships, it's not uncommon for marriages and partnerships to become entangled in patterns of negativity and unresolved emotions. When you’re caught in the midst of these dynamics, it can feel impossible to see a way forward. My approach to relationship counseling, rooted in parts work, psychodynamic theory, and body-oriented therapy, helps couples identify and understand the underlying emotional currents and unconscious patterns that drive their interactions. Together, we explore the deeper layers of each partner’s psyche, fostering awareness and empathy. Through this process, we create space for authentic communication, healing, and renewed connection, guiding the partnership toward a more harmonious and fulfilling path.

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Biodynamic Breathwork and Trauma Release

''Feel to Heal: A Transformative Journey with Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release''


The Biodynamic Breathwork & Trauma Release System (BBTRS) is a transformative journey of spiritual and physical growth, dedicated to creating space and relaxation within the body. This process engages six distinct gateways into the mind-body-spirit connection, weaving together wisdom from both Eastern and Western traditions, ancient practices, and modern scientific advancements. BBTRS invites us to deeply connect with our physical bodies, hearts, minds, spirits, and energy centers.

Through this intimate and profound relationship with ourselves, we find the strength to stand more powerfully in the world, release accumulated stress and tension, consciously break free from negative patterns, and step into our fullest potential. BBTRS marks the beginning of a life-changing journey—a journey we call "Feel to Heal."

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Resilient Leadership: Navigating Emotions in the Workplace 

In the intricate dynamics of the workplace, emotional self-regulation is a cornerstone of effective leadership and team cohesion. Through a blend of parts work, psychodynamic principles, and body-oriented therapy, our Emotional Agility Coaching empowers leaders to navigate the complexities of their internal landscape. By identifying and understanding the different parts of the self, leaders can manage emotions with greater resilience, address interpersonal challenges with empathy, and foster a more harmonious, productive team environment.

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Somatic Yin Yoga

Yin Yoga is a meditative and slow-paced practice that goes beyond the physical to touch the deeper layers of the body and mind. Rooted in traditional Chinese medicine, this style of yoga involves holding asanas (postures) for extended periods, allowing for a profound stretch that targets the connective tissues—ligaments, tendons, and fascia—rather than just the muscles. This deliberate stillness and gentle pressure stimulate the body's meridians, the channels through which vital energy, or "Qi," flows.

In the context of somatic therapy, Yin Yoga becomes a powerful tool for accessing and releasing stored emotions and trauma held within the body. The extended holds create a space where one can observe and connect with the sensations, emotions, and memories that arise, facilitating a deep process of self-inquiry and healing. By engaging both the physical and subtle bodies, Yin Yoga offers a pathway to balance, relaxation, and a deeper understanding of oneself, making it an integral part of any holistic approach to well-being.

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Inner Child Workshop 

''Rediscovering Your Inner Child: A Journey Back to the Essence''

Reconnecting with our inner child is like retracing our steps to a forgotten home, a place where everything began. The inner child is the guardian of all that we’ve had to leave behind on our journey into adulthood. It’s a time capsule of who we once were—curious, trusting, and full of wonder. Every day felt like an endless adventure, untouched by the demands to be smarter, stronger, or better. We were free, unburdened by the relentless pursuit of success that adulthood imposes, a pursuit that often leaves us hollow, no matter how high we climb.

A child’s natural state is one of innocence, playfulness, and joy—a raw, vibrant energy that sees the world through a lens of pure wonder. Yet, society steps in, parents and authority figures impose their values, and slowly, that spontaneous, vital force within us is subdued. We become performers, molded to meet the expectations of others, craving love and validation that our very survival seemed to depend on.

But the adventure doesn’t end there. **Opening to the Inner Child** is an invitation to embark on that adventure once more. It’s about rediscovering that precious, untamed part of ourselves. Together, we will peel back the layers of emotional hurt, dissolving the barriers that have kept us disconnected from our inner child. In a space of meditative awareness, this child—radiant, alive, and full of possibility—can emerge again.

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AUM Mediation ''Awareness Understanding Meditation'' 


AUM Meditation is an immersive journey through the full spectrum of human emotions, guiding you to explore and express everything from love and anger to sadness, forgiveness, laughter, and chaos. Over the course of two transformative hours, you are invited to delve into these feelings, releasing stress, tension, and any pent-up emotions that may be residing within you. This dynamic process not only purges what no longer serves you but also creates a profound space for inner peace and silence, allowing you to reconnect with a deeper sense of self.

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